How To Price Postcards To Resell on eBay (Make $970 an Hour)

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I’ve been a collector my entire life. I started collecting baseball cards as a kid and spent many lazy Saturdays sorting, organizing, and enjoying my collection (and ripping off my brother in trades from time-to-time).

Like many kids that collect baseball cards, my hobby withered away as I entered adulthood and was replaced by more sophisticated hobbies, like gardening and doing puzzles. Until I discovered the hobby of postcard collecting.

Pricing postcards accurately is one of the most important but difficult aspects of postcard reselling. If you price too low, you could lose out on thousands per year in lost sales. If you price too high, you may sell too few to ever have a viable business.

I’ve sold over 14,000 postcards and have refined my pricing process over time. Last year I made nearly $80,000 in gross postcard sales. In this video, I price 50 real listings for you I have never priced before so you can see exactly how I look up comps, what factors I take into consideration, and how to decide on a final price. I picked a wide mix of US view cards from different eras and states, including some real photo postcards.

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